The Porn Detection Stick is a thumb drive device that will search through all the images on your computer. Scan them for pornographic content, and create a report of suspected pornographic images. It even scans deleted images and Internet cache files so there's no hiding Internet activity. This means even if Internet Explorer cache files are deleted, many images can still be recovered and scanned for pornography. Best of all, no software is installed on the target machine so they don't know you've performed a search. You can even securely delete objectionable images.
• Recognized File Types: 15 total, including JPG, PNG, GIF, and BMP
• OS Compatibility: Windows 98/SE, 2000, XP, Vista, and 7
• Memory Capacity: 4GB
• USB Interface: 2.0
• Dimensions: 54x17x10mm• Weight: 14.2g
Paraben’s Porn Detection Stick allows you to find images that potentially can include pornographic contents. Paraben’s Porn Detection Stick scans an arrangement of images to determine attributes that indicate the image may be of a pornographic nature. It uses sophisticated, analytical processes; consisting of thousands of algorithms. These include 11 different detection methods to provide enough information to reliably distinguish between pornographic and non-pornographic images.

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